Rally di Roma 2020 to be driven flat out even without the Lido di Ostia special stages

16.06.2020 – The recent developments on the evolution of the Covid-19 emergency unfortunately forced Motorsport Italia to announce that the Rally di Roma Capitale 2020 will have to renounce to the Villaggio dei Motori and to the super special stage at the Lido di Ostia.

The decision has been taken following the two important documents made official in the past few days. From the one side, the Decree-Law of June 11th confirmed the indications regarding the social distances and limitation of crowding to outdoor sporting events like the Rally di Roma.
From the other side, the note from the Sporting Federation ACI Sport on June 9th specified that «in order to guarantee the safety necessary to restart the motorsport sector, the General Protocol for the containment of Covid-19 in motorsport prevents from running super speciale stages and all the events that necessarily involve the presence of a lot of people».

“This has been a difficult but unavoidable decision – Max Rendina commented. – We are sorry to have to renounce to one of the iconic moments of the Rally di Roma Capitale just 40 days before the event, but we are working to make a spectacular event anyway. The announcement of the presence of Hyundai Motorsport with Dani Sordo and Pierre-Louis Lubet on the Hyundai i20 Coupe WRC is an important example of how our team is giving its best to find synergies and initiatives making the Rally di Roma Capitale a unique event this year too”.

Considering that in the past editions the participation in Ostia has always been very high, it would have been impossible to comply with the current limitations and to guarantee the usual high levels of spectacle. For the same reason, the procedure to request spectator passes through the new platform is still not active, but it will be soon.

The Italian rally will be the opening round of the Italian Rally Championship and of the FIA European Rally Championship 2020, first FIA rally event after the lockdown of these months. In these weeks the enthusiasm of the crews has already been very high, with remarkable entries starring some of the most brilliant talents of European rallying.

Motorsport Italia is ready for every possible evolution of this uncertain international situation. We will see if the most exciting rumors spreading lately on the rally in Ostia next Autumn will turn into something real.

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