Entries for the Rally di Roma Capitale 2020 open today.

26.05.2020 – From today on it is officially possible to enter the Rally di Roma Capitale 2020. The event is, therefore, getting into its second stage, the hottest, two months ahead of the rally. Motorsport Italia’s work does not stop and it has been more intense in the past few weeks to make what would […]
The new and innovative web platform to regulate access to the Rally di Roma Capitale is now ready

25.05.2020 – The new web platform that Rally di Roma Capitale and Motorsport Italia devised in collaboration with ACI Sport for the 2020 edition of the rally will go live tomorrow. This is an automatic system to allow drivers, teams, staff, officers, media and spectators to register to obtain a free-of-charge pass to watch the […]
Rally di Roma Capitale 2020 is gearing up for an unprecedented edition. The collaboration of fans is going to be crucial.

21.05.2020 – Motorsport Italia is working relentlessly ahead of the Rally di Roma Capitale 2020. The working group led by Max Rendina has kept believing in the chance of running the event and, while Italy stopped due to the lockdown, it has devised and analyzed innovative solutions and strategies and planned important changes that could […]
Rally di Roma Capitale does not stop: the new website is now online

08.04.2020 – The approach to the Rally di Roma Capitale 2020 is continuing: the new website of the event is now online at the usual address www.rallydiromacapitale.it. At the moment it contains the initial information, but content will grow overtime to make it the reference page for an event that goes well beyond sport. The […]
The Rally di Roma Capitale named the best round of the Italian Rally Championship 2019

10.02.2020 – A great satisfaction for all the Motorsport Italia’s staff. The Rally di Roma Capitale has been awarded by the ACI Sport Sporting Federation as the best round of the Italian Rally Championship 2019 last Friday, February 7th. This award has been given to Motorsport Italia’s CEO Francesca Pagliuca during the traditional yearly ceremony […]